Wednesday, January 9, 2008


猜猜我是誰? 我是人類飼養的動物中最常見的家禽之一喔!我們在人類的威逼之下,不得不為人類犧牲我們豐潤的身體和生命,供人類食用,年節祭拜和平常吃飯餐桌上總是少不了我們,猜到了嗎?我們就是鵝。






Robert Bárány

Robert Bárány (April 22, 1876April 8, 1936) was an Austrian physician of Hungarian-Jewish[citation needed] descent. For his work on the physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus of the ear he received the 1914 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Bárány was born in Vienna. He attended medical school at Vienna University, graduating in 1900. As a doctor in Vienna, Bárány was syringing fluid into the inner ear of a patient to relieve the patient's dizzy spells. The patient experienced vertigo and nystagmus (involuntary eye movement) when Bárány injected fluid that was too cold. In response, Bárány warmed the fluid for the patient and the patient experienced nystagmus in the opposite direction. Bárány theorized that the endolymph was sinking when it was cool and rising when it was warm, and thus the direction of flow of the endolymph was providing the proprioceptive signal to the vestibular organ. He followed up on this observation with a series of experiments on what he called the caloric reaction. The research resulting from his observations made surgical treatment of vestibular organ diseases possible. Bárány also investigated other aspects of equilibrium control, including the function of the cerebellum.

He served with the Austrian army during World War I as a civilian surgeon and was captured by the Russian Army. When his Nobel Prize was awarded in 1914, Bárány was in a Russian prisoner of war camp. He was released in 1916 following diplomatic negotiations with Russia conducted by Prince Carl of Sweden and the Red Cross. He was then able to attend the Nobel Prize awards ceremony in 1916, where he was awarded his prize. From 1917 until his death he was professor at Uppsala University.

Robert Bárány was born on April 22, 1876, in Vienna. His father was the manager of a farm estate and his mother, Maria Hock, was the daughter of a well-known Prague scientist, and it was her intellectucal influence that was most pronounced in the family. Robert was the eldest of six children. When he was quite young he contracted tuberculosis of the bones, which resulted in permanent stiffness of his kneejoint. It is thought that this illness first led him to take an interest in medicine. The disability, however, did not prevent him from playing tennis and walking in the mountains, right through his life. He was always top of the form - in the primary school, the grammar school, and was among the best of his year even at the university.After completing his medical studies at Vienna University in 1900, Bárány attended the lectures of Professor C. von Noorden in Frankfurt am Main for one year, and then studied at the psychiatric-neurological clinic of Professor Kracpelin in Freiburg i.Br. It was there that his interest in neurological problems was first awakened. On his return to Vienna he became the pupil of Professor Gussenbauer, the surgeon, and finally, in 1903, accepted a post as demonstrator at the Otological Clinic under Professor Politzer. He followed up the theories of Flourens, Purkinje, Mach, Breuer and others, and clarified the physiology and pathology of human vestibular apparatus. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in this field in 1914. The news of this award reached Bárány in a Russian prisoner-of-war camp; he had been attached to the Austrian army as a civilian surgeon and had tended soldiers with head injuries, which fact had enabled him to continue his neurological studies on the correlation of the vestibular apparatus, the cerebellum and the muscular apparatus. Following the personal intervention of Prince Carl of Sweden on behalf of the Red Cross, he was released from the prisoner-of-war camp in 1916 and was presented with the Nobel Prize by the King of Sweden at Stockholm.Bárány returned to Vienna the same year, but was bitterly disappointed by the attitude of his Austrian colleagues, who reproached him for having made only incomplete references in his works to the discoveries of other scientists, on whose theories they said his work was based. These attacks resulted in Bárány leaving Vienna to accept the post of Principal and Professor of an Otological Institute in Uppsala, where he remained for the remainder of his life. Holmgren and a number of famous Swedish otologists published a paper in defence of Bárány.During the latter part of his life Bárány studied the causes of muscular rheurmatism, and continued working on a book dealing with this subject even after he had suffered a stroke and was partially paralysed. Bárány married Ida Felicitas Berger in 1909. They had two sons; the elder became Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Uppsala, his brother Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Caroline Institute, Stockholm. They also had a daughter, who married a physician and lives in the U.S.A.He died at Uppsala on April 8, 1936.
From Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1901-1921, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1967
This autobiography/biography was first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.

Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1901-1921, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1967

John Deely

John Deely (born 1942) is Professor of Philosophy at the Center for Thomistic Studies of the University of St. Thomas (Houston). He is one among many accomplished scholars at the Center.

His main research concerns the role of semiosis (the action of signs) in mediating objects and things. He specifically investigates the manner in which experience itself is a dynamic structure (or web) woven of triadic relations (signs in the strict sense) whose elements or terms (representaments, significates and interpretants) interchange positions and roles over time in the spiral of semiosis. He is currently (2006-2007) Executive Director of the Semiotic Society of America.

John Deely is a handsome man despite the fact that he photographs poorly (see photo). He is married to famous Maritain scholar Brooke Williams Smith (now Deely).

Annotated bibliography by John Deely 1965-1993
Annotated bibliography by John Deely 1994-2007


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Global Semiotics

As global semiotics, general semiotics today must carry out a detotalizing function, that is, it must carry out a critique of all (claimed) totalities, including, in the first place, the totality "world and global communication". If general semiotics fails to present itself as global semiotics or to carry out this detotalizing function, it will only appear as another among the special semiotics, a syncretic result of the special semiotics, the transversal language of the encyclopedia of unified sciences, or as an omniscient philosophical prevarication over the different disciplines and special fields of knowledge.

節錄自: Global Communication and Otherness

Global Semiotics

Barry Marshall

Barry James Marshall, AC FRS FAA (born 30 September 1951) is an Australian physician, Nobel Prize laureate in in Physiology or Medicine, and Professor of Clinical Microbiology at the University of Western Australia. Marshall is well-known for proving that the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is the cause of most stomach ulcers, reversing decades of medical doctrine which held that ulcers were caused by stress, spicy foods, and too much acid. He has recently accepted a part-time appointment at the Pennsylvania State University.

Early years
Marshall was born in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia and lived in Kalgoorlie and Carnarvon until moving to Perth at seven. He attended High School at Newman College and the University of Western Australia, where he received a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery in 1975. He married his wife Adrienne in 1972.

Life and research
In 1979 Marshall was appointed as a Registrar in Medicine at the Royal Perth Hospital. He met Robin Warren, a pathologist interested in gastritis, during internal medicine fellowship training at Royal Perth Hospital in 1981. Together, the pair studied the presence of spiral bacteria in association with gastritis. The following year (1982), they performed the initial culture of H. pylori and developed their hypothesis related to the bacterial cause of peptic ulcer and gastric cancer.[2] It has been claimed that the H. pylori theory was ridiculed by the establishment scientists and doctors, who did not believe that any bacteria could live in the acidic stomach. Marshall has been quoted as saying in 1998 that "Everyone was against me, but I knew I was right".[4] On the other hand, it has also been argued that medical researchers showed a proper degree of skepticism until the H. pylori hypothesis could be proved.
After failed attempts to infect piglets in 1984, Marshall drank a petri-dish of the bacteria and soon developed gastritis with achlorhydria. Symptoms included vague stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting and halitosis. On the 14th day of the infection, biopsies of Marshall's stomach did not reveal any bacteria - so spontaneous eradication may have occurred. However, on the insistence of his wife, he did take antibiotics immediately after that endoscopy so there was no way of double-checking the negative result. Interestingly, he did not develop antibodies to H.pylori, suggesting that innate immunity can sometimes eradicate acute H.pylori infection. His illness and recovery, based on a culture of organisms extracted from a patient, fulfilled Koch's postulates for H. pylori and gastritis, but not for peptic ulcer. This experiment was published in 1985 in the Medical Journal of Australia[6] and is among the most cited articles from the journal.
After this work at Fremantle Hospital, Marshall did research at Royal Perth Hospital (1985-86) and at the University of Virginia, USA (1986-1996), before returning to Australia. He held a Burnet Fellowship at the University of Western Australia from 1998-2003[8] and continues research related to H. pylori and runs the H.pylori Research Laboratory at UWA.[9] He has been criticised for appearing in an informercial for a "fact free" health book, but he has defended himself from this criticism.

Awards and honors
In 2005, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Dr. Marshall and his long-time collaborator Dr. Warren "for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease".
Marshall also received the Warren Alpert Prize in 1994, the Australian Medical Association Award in 1995, Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research in 1995 and the Gairdner Foundation International Award in 1996, the Paul Ehrlich Prize in 1997, the Dr A.H. Heineken Prize for Medicine in 1998, the Florey Medal in 1998, the Buchanan Medal of the Royal Society in 1998, Benjamin Franklin Medal for Life Sciences in 1999, the Keio Medical Science Prize in 2002 and the Australian Centenary Medal in 2003.
He was made a Companion of the Order of Australia in 2007.

1 Early years
2 Life and research
3 Awards and honours
4 See also
5 Notes
6 References
7 External links

Robin Warren

華倫(J. Robin Warren)1937年出生在澳大利亞南部城市Adelaide。1961年在Adelaide大學獲得碩士學位。在皇家墨爾本醫院培訓後,於1967年進入皇家澳亞病理科學院,並曾在佩斯皇家醫院任高級醫師。1979年華倫首次在胃黏膜中觀測到了細小曲形細菌。在接下來年的研究中,他發現這種細菌經常出現在胃黏膜中,並和某類胃炎有著極為密切的聯繫。1981年他結識了巴里-馬歇爾並和他進行了卓有成效的合作。他們的研究發現了這種細菌在臨床醫學上的重大作用。他們對這種細菌進行了培育,並確認為一種新的細菌種類,命名為Helicobacter pylori。徹底消除這種細菌可以治癒胃炎並使得潰瘍不再復發。

2005年的諾貝爾生理及醫學獎表彰了一項傑出且意外的發現:胃炎(gastritis)以及胃或十二指腸的消化性潰瘍(peptic ulcer)是因胃部受到幽門螺旋桿菌感染所導致。

來自澳洲柏斯市的一位病理學家Robin Warren(1937年出生),在50%病患的胃下部(stomach antrum region)活組織切片中觀察到微小且彎曲的細菌形成的菌叢。他重要的發現便是發炎的地方總是接近細菌出現的胃黏膜處。

一位年輕的臨床工作夥伴Barry Marshall(1951年出生)對於Warren的發現漸感興趣,他們並一起開始研究來自100位病患的活體組織切片。在數度嘗試後,Marshall成功的從這些活體組織中培養出一種當時未知的菌種(之後命名為Helicobacter pylori,即幽門螺旋桿菌)。他們共同發現該生物幾乎出現在所有胃部發炎、十二指腸潰瘍或胃潰瘍的病患中。根據這些觀察到的結果,他們提出Helicobacter pylori與這些疾病的發生有關。 即使消化性潰瘍可藉由抑制胃酸的產生來治療,由於胃內的細菌及慢性發炎情形仍舊存在,因此使得病症常再次復發。

在療法的研究中,Marshall、Warren和其他研究夥伴指出,病患只有在胃內的細菌完全根除後才能真正痊癒。由於Marshall和Warren開創性的發現,消化性潰瘍不再是種讓人無能為力的慢性病,而變成一個可藉由短期規律服用抗生素及胃酸抑制劑來完全治癒的疾病。 消化性潰瘍原來是種傳染病! 2005年的諾貝爾生醫獎頒給了Barry Marshall和Robin Warren,他們憑著毅力與決心勇於向當時盛行的教條提出挑戰。利用當時具有的技術(光纖內視鏡、組織區域的銀染色法及微好氧菌的培養技術),他們呈現出無法辯駁的事實:幽門螺旋桿菌是導致胃潰瘍的病因,並且培養出這些細菌使之更利於進行科學研究。

在1982年,當Barry Marshall和Robin Warren發現幽門螺旋桿菌時,壓力與生活型態被認為是造成消化性潰瘍的主要原因。直到現在,才確立幽門螺旋桿菌是導致90%以上的十二指腸潰瘍及接近80%的胃潰瘍之病因。透過自願病患的研究與抗生素療法、流行病學的研究,終於確認了幽門螺旋桿菌的感染與隨後的胃炎和消化性潰瘍之間的相互關聯。 幽門螺旋桿菌造成終生的感染 在所有人類中,約50%的人胃部有幽門螺旋桿菌菌叢,此細菌是一種螺旋狀的格蘭氏陰性菌。在高社會經濟標準的國家,其感染的頻率比起開發中國家相對較低許多,後者幾乎是每個人都受到感染。 典型的感染是在孩童的早期,常藉母親傳給小孩,且這個小孩往後的一生中,細菌將會一直待在他的胃裡。此慢性感染始於胃的底部。Robin Warren的首度發表指出,胃黏膜基部的發炎現象,可由發炎細胞釋出的滲透物(infiltration)得知,此發炎情形與幽門螺旋桿菌的存在往往息息相關。相安無事或者一觸即發 幽門螺旋桿菌所造成的發炎嚴重程度和在胃部的位置是此病的關鍵重點。在大多數人的體內,幽門螺旋桿菌的感染是無症狀的。然而,有10~15%的人有時會產生消化性潰瘍,且發生於十二指腸的機率常高於胃部,嚴重者會導致出血和穿孔等症狀。 目前認為,幽門螺旋桿菌在胃底部引起的慢性發炎,會造成未受感染的胃上部(stomach corpus region)增加胃酸的分泌量,而這會讓較為脆弱的十二指腸更容易產生潰瘍。惡性腫瘤亦與幽門螺旋桿菌有關 某些情況下,幽門螺旋桿菌還會感染到胃的上半部,這會引起更廣泛的發炎作用,不單單只是造成潰瘍,尚有可能誘發胃癌。許多國家的胃癌發生率在過去半個世紀中已降低許多,但此一癌症仍排名在世界上癌症死因的第二位。 胃黏膜的發炎也是一種特殊形式的胃部淋巴瘤(MALT lymphoma)的風險指標。一旦使用抗生素根除幽門螺旋桿菌時,此種腫瘤也可能會復原,代表細菌在誘發這種癌症上扮演重要的角色。病原與宿主的互動 幽門螺旋桿菌只出現在人類體內,且已經適應了胃部的環境,只有少部分的人才會產生胃部疾病。在Marshall和Warren的發現之後,此方面的研究趨於熱絡,關於詳細致病機制的細節仍持續不斷地被揭露。 這種細菌本身的變異性十分地高,不同的菌株在許多方面都有顯著的差異,如對胃黏膜的附著性或是引起發炎的能力。即使在一個受感染的個體內,所有的幽門螺旋桿菌都不盡相同,且隨著慢性感染的時程增加,細菌更會逐步適應胃部環境的變化。 同樣地,人類的遺傳多樣性也會影響到他們對於幽門螺旋桿菌的耐受性。直到不久之前,研究人員才在砂鼠(Mongolian gerbil)體內建立起這類疾病的動物模式,因此在未來,關於消化性潰瘍和惡性癌細胞轉化的研究將會給我們更多致病機制的資訊。 抗生素治療可能引起抗藥性嗎? 幽門螺旋桿菌的感染可以藉著對內視鏡取出的組織檢體進行抗生素測試來診斷,或是進行非侵入性的呼氣測試來確認細菌在胃部產生的一種酵素。 對於那些健康未受感染的人來說,任意使用抗生素可能會造成細菌抗藥性的嚴重問題。因此,幽門螺旋桿菌的治療必須受到限制,不應使用在未被診斷出胃炎或潰瘍疾病的人身上。

其他慢性發炎疾病也有微生物致病原? 許多人類疾病如克隆氏症(Crohn's disease,一種腸道發炎疾病)、潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis)、類風濕性關節炎(rheumatoid arthritis)或動脈硬化症(atherosclerosis)等都是慢性發炎所導致。對於消化性潰瘍這種極常見疾病的細菌性病因的發現,已促使人們開始對其他慢性發炎疾病尋找是否可能有微生物致病原的存在。 儘管目前科學家並未握有確切的證據,但新近的資料顯示,當人體免疫系統在識別微生物釋放的物質上有功能障礙時,便可能會促成疾病的發展。幽門螺旋桿菌的發現已讓人們逐漸理解到慢性感染、發炎反應、與癌症彼此之間的關聯性。

Motor Theory of Speech Perception (A. Liberman 1985)

Speech Perception
Module by: David Lane

For most of us, listening to speech is an effortless task. Generally speaking, speech perception proceeds through a series of stages in which acoustic cues are extracted and stored in sensory memory and then mapped onto linguistic information. When air from the lungs is pushed into the larynx across the vocal cords and into the mouth nose, different types of sounds are produced. the different qualities of the sounds are represented in formants, which can be pictured on a graph that has time on the x-axis and the pressure under which the air is pushed, on the y-axis. Perception of the sound will vary as the frequency with which the air vibrates across time varies. Because vocal tracts vary somewhat between people (just as shoe size or height do), one person's vocal cords may be shorter than another's, or the roof of someone's mouth may be higher than another's, and the end result is that there are individual differences in how various sounds are produced. You probably know someone whose voice is slightly lower in pitch than yours or higher in pitch. Pitch is the psychological correlate of the physical acoustic cue of frequency. The more frequently the vibrations of air occur for a particular sound, the higher in pitch it will be perceived. Less frequent vibrations are perceived as being lower in pitch. When language is the sound being processed, the formants are mapped onto phonemes, which are the smallest unit of sound in a language. For example, in English the phonemes in the word "glad" are /g/, /l/, /æ/, and /d/.

The nature of speech, however, has provided researchers of language with a number of puzzles, some of which have been researched for more than forty years.

Note: To demonstrate one of these problems, click here. The waveform you see shows speech as a function of amplitude, which is measured in decibels (dB), and frequency of the sound waves, measured in hertz (Hz). As the cursor passes over the waveform, you may notice various sections that correspond to the words and individual sounds you hear; for example, you can detect where the word "show" begins and where the word "money" ends. After a bit of experimentation, however, you notice that it is difficult to pinpoint precisely where one phoneme ends and another begins. Try to find the "th" sound in the word "the", for example; and where can the "uh" sound in "the" be located? Often the acoustic feature of one sound will spread themselves across those of another sound, leading to the problem of linearity; that is, for each speech sound phoneme, if phonemes were produced one at a time, or linearly, there should be a single corresponding section in the waveform. As "the" shows, however, speech is not linear.

Another problem that investigators have studied is the problem of invariance. Invariance refers to a particular phoneme having one and only one waveform representation; that is, the phoneme /i/ (the "ee" sound in "me") should have the identical amplitude and frequency as the same phoneme in "money". As you can see again, that is not the case; the two differ. The plosives, or stop consonants, /b/, /d/, /g/, /k/, provide particular problems for the invariance assumption.

Note: To download free sound-processing software to record your own sentences now, in order to see the problems of linearity and invariance in your own speech, click here.

The problems of linearity and invariance are brought about by co-articulation, the influence of the articulation (pronunciation) of one phoneme on that of another phoneme. Because phonemes cannot always be isolated in a spectrogram and can vary from one context to another depending on neighboring phonemes, speakers' rate of speech, and loudness, perceptually identifying one phoneme among a stream of others, the process of segmentation, also seems like a daunting task. Theories and models of speech perception have to be able to account for how segmentation occurs in order to provide an adequate account of speech perception. We will discuss some accounts of speech perception below.

Some clues as to how identifying phonemes occurs arise from investigation into the ability to perceive voiced consonants, or consonants in which the vocal cords vibrate. To understand the concept of voicing, say the phoneme, /p/, followed by the phoneme, /b/, while touching your throat. You will feel the vibration of your vocal cords during /b/ but not during /p/. Both of these phonemes are bilabial; that is, they are produced by pressing the lips together, and are released with a puff of air. Since the discriminating difference between these two phonemes relevant to English is in their voicing, the ability to adequately perceive voicing is crucial for an adept listener; for example, as the rate of speech increases, listeners are able to shift their criterion of what constitutes a voiceless phoneme. The criterion shift allows them to accept phonemes that are pronounced with shorter VOT durations. Although shifting criteria during the perception of phonemes may be one process that allows accurate identification of phonemes despite changing conditions, what supports the criterion shifts is still a matter of investigation. These skills effortlessly become highly automatic and are probably acquired and fine-tuned during early childhood, a topic we talk about in infant speech perception.
Infant language study: Introduction
Infant language study: High Amplitude Sucking Method
Infant language study: Head Turn Method
Infant language study: Preferential Looking Method
(Video clips courtesy of the late Peter W. Jusczyk and the Johns Hopkins University).

Is speech special?
In visual perception, people discriminate among colors based on the frequency of the wave length of light. Low frequencies are perceived as red and high frequencies are perceived as violet.
Figure 1

As we move from low to high frequencies, we perceive a continuum of colors from red to violet. Notice that as we move from red to orange, we pass through a middle ground that we call "red orange." Speech sounds lie on a physical continuum as well. For example, an important dimension in speech perception is voice onset time. This refers to the time between the beginning of the pronunciation of the word and the onset of the vibration of the vocal chords. For example, when you say "ba" your vocal chords vibrate right from the start. When you say "pa" your vocal chords do not vibrate until after a short delay. To see this for yourself, put one of your fingers on your vocal chords and say "ba" and then "pa."

The only difference between the sound "ba" and the sound "pa" is that the voice onset time for "ba" is shorter than the voice onset time for "pa". An important difference between speech perception and visual perception is that we do not hear speech sounds as falling halfway between a "ba" and a "pa." We hear a sound one way or the other. This means that a range of voice onset times are perceived as "ba" and a different range of voice onset times are perceived as "pa". This phenomenon is called categorical perception and is very helpful for understanding speech.

The sounds "ba" and "pa" differ on the continuous dimension of voice onset time. The sounds "ga" and "da" also differ on a continuous dimension. However, the continuous dimension for these stimuli is more complex than the dimension of voice onset time (it is called the second formant but that is a little beyond the scope of this text). What is important here is that there is a continuum of sounds from "da" to "ga." The following demonstration uses computer generated speech sounds. Ten sounds were generated in equal steps from "da" to "ga." The experiment uses sounds numbered 1, 4, 7, and 10. Sounds 1 and 4 are both heard as "da" whereas sounds 7 and 10 are heard as "ga." In the task, subjects are presented with a randomly-ordered series of sound pairs and asked, for each pair, to judge whether the sounds are the same or different. Since sounds 1 and 4 are both heard as "da" it should be very hard to tell them apart. Therefore, subjects usually judge these sounds as identical. By contrast, Sound 4 is heard as "da" while Sound 7 is heard as "ga." Since Sound 4 and Sound 7 are on opposite sides of the "categorical boundary" it is easier to hear the difference between these sounds than the difference between Sounds 1 and 4. This occurs even though the physical difference between Sounds 1 and 4 is the same as the difference between Sounds 4 and 7. By similar logic, the difference between Sounds 7 and 10 should be hard to hear.
The results from one subject in this demonstration experiment are shown below and can be interpreted as follows: When the comparison was between Sounds 1 and 4, the subject judged them to be different once and the same 4 times. When the comparison was between Sounds 4 and 7 (which cross the border), the subject correctly judged them to be different 5/5 times. Finally, in comparing Sounds 7 and 10, the subject always judged the sounds to be the same. Thus, the only time this subject heard a difference between sounds that were three steps apart was for Sounds 4 and 7.
Sound Pair
Judged different
Judged same

Not all results are as clear cut as those shown above. Many people need more time to become familiar with the task than is possible in this demonstration. In any case, you should get a sense of how this kind of experiment works.

Note: Try this categorical discrimination task yourself.
The hypothesis that speech is perceptually special has arisen from this phenomenon of categorical perception. Listeners can differentiate between /p/ and /b/; however, performance in distinguishing between different types of /p/ sounds is difficult and, for some, impossible. This pattern is consistent with the pragmatic demands of language; there is a meaning distinction between /p/ and /b/, while the distinction between two variations of /p/ carries no meaning. (There are languages in which two different /p/ sounds are used, and, in such cases, perception would be categorical).

The first experiment to demonstrate categorical perception was conducted by Liberman, Harris, Hoffman and Griffith (1957), and in it they presented consonant-vowel syllables along a continuum. The consonants were stop consonants, or plosives, /b/, /d/, and /g/, followed by /a/; for example, /ba/. When asked to say whether two syllables were the same or different, the participants reported various forms of /pa/ to be the same, whereas /pa/ and /ba/ were easily discriminated.
Another categorical perception task presents two syllables followed by a probe syllable, and participants have to say which of the first two syllables the probe matches. If the first two sounds are from two different categories - for example, /da/ and /ga/ - participants accurately match the probe syllable. If the first two syllables are taken from the same category, however, participants cannot differentiate them well enough to do the matching task, and their performance is at chance.
Does the categorical perception of speech mean that speech is perceived via a specialized speech processor? Kewley-Port and Luce (1984) did not find categorical perception in some non-speech stimuli, indicating that there may be something special about speech.

For there to be a specialized speech processor, categorical perception should occur during the perception of all phonemes. However, Fry, Abramson, Eimas, and Liberman (1962), failed to find categorical perception with a vowel continuum. So, there are vowels and consonants that do not behave the same in that respect. Additionally, chinchillas have been shown to categorically perceive speech, despite their obvious lack of speech-processing mechanism (Kuhl, 1987).
How is speech perceived?
One theory of how speech is perceived is the Motor Theory of speech perception (Liberman, Cooper, Shankweiler, & Studdert-Kennedy, 1967). The motor theory postulates that speech is perceived by reference to how it is produced; that is, when perceiving speech, listeners access their own knowledge of how phonemes are articulated. Articulatory gestures such as rounding or pressing the lips together are units of perception that directly provide the listener with phonetic information. The motor theory can account for the invariance problem; that is, the ways that phonemes are produced and perceived have more in common than the ways they are acoustically represented and perceived.

What would be the evidence that listeners use articulatory features when perceiving speech? Here, an accidental discovery made by two film technicians led to one of the most robust and widely discussed findings in language processing. A researcher, Harry McGurk, was interested in whether auditory or visual modalities are differentially dominant during infants' perceptual development. To find out, he asked his technician to create a film to test which modality captured infants' attention. In this film, an actor pronounced the syllable "ga" while an auditory "ba" was dubbed over the tape. Would babies pay attention to the "ga" or the "ba"? The process of making the film, however, led to a surprising finding about adults. The technician (and others) did not perceive either a "ga" or a "ba". Rather, the technician perceived a "da".

In an experiment that formally tested this observation, McGurk and McDonald (1976) showed research participants a video of a person saying a syllable that began with a consonant formed in the back of the mouth at the velum-that is, a velar consonant, "ga"-while playing an auditory tape of a consonant which is formed in the front of the mouth at the two lips; that is, a bilabial, "ba". When viewers were asked what they heard, like the film technician, they replied "da". Perceiving a "da" was the result of combining articulatory information from both visually and auditorily presented stimuli.

Note: You can experience McGurk effect by clicking here.
(To return to the question Harry McGurk originally asked about infants, neither modality seems to have dominance; infants as young as 5-months old take in the visual and auditory information about words in the same way as adults: both influence perception).

In addition to being interpreted as evidence that listeners perceive phonetic gestures, an account that suggests an explanation based on memory has been raised. Because perceivers have ample experience with both hearing and seeing people speak, they may have built memories of these events that have subsequently become associated with the phoneme's mental representation, so that when the phoneme is perceived, memories based on the visual information are recalled (Massaro, 1987).

To test this possibility, Fowler and Dekle (1991) introduced research participants to one of two experimental conditions. In one, the participants were presented with either a printed ba or printed ga syllable, while listening to a syllable from the auditory /ba/-/ga/ continuum. In the other, the printed syllables were replaced with their haptic presentations; that is, participants were able to feel how the syllables were being produced. Since there are no previously made associations to how syllables feel when a speaker produces them, by the memory account there should be no McGurk effect. The experimenters found no effect of the printed syllables on the auditory ones, as expected, and they found that the feel of how a syllable is produced affected the perception of the auditory syllables, indicating that articulatory gestures are indeed perceived by listeners.

The TRACE model of speech perception, TRACE 1 , developed by Jay McClelland and Jeff Elman (1986; Elman & McClelland, 1988), depicts speech as a process in which speech units are arranged into levels and interact with each other. There are three levels: features, phonemes, and words. The levels are comprised of processing units, or nodes; for example, within the feature level, there are individual nodes that detect voicing.

Nodes that are consistent with each other share excitatory activation; for example, to perceive a /k/ in "cake", the /k/ phoneme and corresponding featural units share excitatory connections. Nodes that are inconsistent with each other share inhibitory links. Such nodes are nodes within a level. In this example, /k/ would have an inhibitory connection with the vowel sound in "cake", /eI/.

To perceive speech, the featural nodes are activated initially, followed in time by the phoneme and then word nodes. Thus, activation is bottom-up. Activation can also spread top-down, however, and TRACE can model top-down effects such as the fact that context can influence the perception of individual phonemes.

Perception of speech can be influenced by contextual information, indicating that perception is not strictly bottom-up but can receive feedback from semantic levels of knowledge. In 1970, Warren and Warren took simple sentences, such as "It was found that the wheel was on the axle", removed the /w/ sound from "wheel", and replaced it with a cough. They found that listeners were unable to detect that the phoneme was missing. They found the same effect with the following sentences as well:
It was found that the *eel was on the shoe.
It was found that the *eel was on the orange.
It was found that the *eel was on the table.
Listeners perceived heel, peel, and meal, respectively. Because the perception of the word with the missing phoneme depends on the last word of the sentence, their finding indicates that perception is highly interactive.

Gating Task: A task developed to show the effect of context on spoken word recognition is Gating (Grosjean, 1980). In this task, participants are presented with fragments of a word, of gradually increasing duration (such as 50 msec increments); for example, t - tr - tre - tress - tresp - trespa. Upon hearing each fragment, the participant makes a guess at what the whole word might be. (Have a go at this gating task yourself). The point at which the person guesses the whole word is called the isolation point. Gating shows the effect of context on spoken word recognition: there is a time difference between identifying a word in isolation and identifying it in a sentence. The time to identify a word in context is about a fifth of a second, whereas it takes a third of a second in isolation. It is thought that the grammar and meaning of the preceding part of the sentence limit the range of possibilities for the gated word, such that it can be identified sooner in a sentence than on its own. The point at which there is only one possible candidate is called the uniqueness point. The uniqueness point and the isolation point need not correspond: on the one hand, the word may be recognized before there is one remaining candidate, if the context is helpful (i.e., strongly biasing); on the other hand, there may be a delay in isolating the word. There is a third point, called the recognition point. This is the point at which the person is confident in his/her identification of the gated word.

The guesses people make on this task indicate that the perceptual identity of the word is also important to spoken word recognition, even before the context has its effect. In other words, people's early guesses resemble the perceptual aspects of the word and not the contextually signaled candidate.

Liberman, A. M., Harris, K. S., Hoffman, H. S., & Griffith, B. C. (1957). The discrimination of speech sounds within and across phoneme boundaries. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54, 358-368.
Kewley-Port, D., & Luce, P. A. (1984). Time-varying features of initial stop consonants in auditory running spectra: A first report. Perception and psychophysics, 35, 353-360.
Fry, D. B., Abramson, A. S., Eimas, P. D., & Liberman, A. M. (1962). The identification and discrimination of synthetic vowels. Language and Speech. Language and Speech, 5, 171-189.
Kuhl, P.K. (1987). The special mechanisms debate in speech research: Categorization tests on animals and infants. In S. Harnad (Ed.), Categorical perception: The groundwork of cognition. (pp. 355-386). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Liberman, A. M., Cooper, F. S., Shankweiler, D. P., & Studdert-Kennedy, M. (1967). Perception of the speech code. Psychological Review, 74, 431-361.
McGurk, H., & MacDonald, J. (1976). Hearing lips and seeing voices. Nature, 264, 746-748.
Fowler, C. A., & Dekle, D. J. (1991). Listening with eye and hand: Cross-modal contributions to speech perception. Journal Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17, 816-828.
McClelland, J. L., & Elman, J. L. (1986). The TRACE model of speech perception. Cognitive Psychology, 18, 1-86.
Elman, J. L., & McClelland, J. L. (1988). Cognitive penetration of the mechanisms of perception: Compensation for Co-articulation of lexically restored phonemes. Journal of Memory and Language, 27, 143-165.
Warren, R. M., & Warren R. P. (1970). Auditory illusions and confusions. Scientific American, 223, 30-36.
Grosjean, F. (1980). Spoken word recognition processes and the gating paradigm. Perception and Psychophysics, 28, 267-283.

The Biological Bases of Speech Production

The Biological Bases of Speech Production

1. Connections between Auditory and Speech Mechanisms
2. The Vocal Tract and Related Speech Organs
3. Foreign Accent

Claus Emmeche

Claus Emmeche is a Danish theoretical biologist and philosopher. He is associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, and is head of the Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies at the Faculty of Science (CPNSS, hosted by the Niels Bohr Institute).

Notable Works

Claus Emmeche has authored or co-authored at least 31 works in science and philosophy in English. Some of his most notable English works include:

01. The Garden in the Machine: The Emerging Science of Artificial Life, Princeton University Press, (ISBN 0691029032)
02. Downward Causation (2000. With Peter Bogh Andersen, Niels Ole Finnemann, Peder Voetmann Christiansen): Minds, Bodies and Matter by Peter Bogh Andersen, Claus Emmeche, Niels Ole Finnemann, and Peder Voetmann Christiansen. Princeton University Press, (ISBN 0691029032) (1996)

In Danish, Emmeche has authored or co-authored at least 5 books, 25 articles, and over 47 other works.

Jesper Hoffmeyer

Jesper Hoffmeyer’s site

Main area of interest: Biosemiotics
By Jesper Hoffmeyer

The study of living systems from a semiotic (sign theoretic) perspective.

Biosemiotics is not one among other biological subdisciplines but constitutes a distinct theoretical frame for the study of biology. According to biosemiotics most processes in animate nature at whatever level, from the single cell to the ecosystem, should be analyzed and conceptualized as sign-processes (see below*). This does not imply any denial of the anchoring of such processes in well-established physical and chemical lawfulness. But it is claimed that life-processes are part of and are organized in obedience to a semiotic dynamic. Biosemiotics, then, is concerned with the sign-aspects of the processes of life (not with the sign-character of the theoretical structure of life-sciences).

In the biosemiotic conception the life sphere is permeated by sign processes (semiosis) and signification. Whatever an organism senses also means something to it, food, escape, sexual reproduction etc., and all organisms are born into a semiosphere, i.e. a world of meaning and communication: sounds, odours, movements, colours, electric fields, waves of any kind, chemical signals, touch etc. The semiosphere poses constraints or boundary conditions to the Umwelts of populations since these are forced to occupy specific semiotic niches i.e. they will have to master a set of signs of visual, acoustic, olfactory, tactile and chemical origin in order to survive in the semiosphere. And it is entirely possible that the semiotic demands to populations are often a decisive challenge to success. Probably more than anything else organic evolution has to do with the development of ever more sophisticated semiotic means for surviving in the semiosphere.
Signprocesses (or semiosis) are processes whereby something come to signify something else to somebody (and 'somebody' here may be taken in the broadest sense possible, as any system possessing an evolved capacity for becoming alerted by a sign.

Otto Jespersen

Jens Otto Harry Jespersen or Otto Jespersen (July 16, 1860-April 30, 1943) was a Danish linguist who specialized in the grammar of the English language. He was born in Randers in northern Jutland and attended Copenhagen University, earning degrees in English, French, and Latin. He also studied linguistics at Oxford.

Jespersen was a professor of English at Copenhagen University from 1893 to 1925. Along with Paul Passy, he was a founder of the International Phonetic Association. He was a vocal supporter and active developer of international auxiliary languages. He was involved in the 1907 delegation that created the auxiliary language Ido, and in 1928, he developed the Novial language, which he considered an improvement over Ido. Jespersen collaborated with Alice Vanderbilt Morris to develop the research program of the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA), which in 1951 presented Interlingua to the general public. Edward Sapir and William Edward Collinson also collaborated with Morris.

He advanced the theories of Rank and Nexus in Danish in two papers: Sprogets logik (1913) and De to hovedarter af grammatiske forbindelser (1921). Jespersen in this theory of ranks removes the parts of speech from the syntax, and differentiates between primaries, secondaries, and tertiaries; e.g. in "well honed phrase," "phrase" is a primary, this being defined by a secondary, "honed", which again is defined by a tertiary "well". The term Nexus is applied to sentences, structures similar to sentences and sentences in formation, in which two concepts are expressed in one unit; e.g., it rained, he ran indoors. This term is qualified by a further concept called a junction which represents one idea, expressed by means of two or more elements, whereas a nexus combines two ideas. Junction and nexus proved valuable in bringing the concept of context to the forefront of the attention of the world of linguistics.

He was most widely recognized for some of his books. Modern English Grammar (1909), concentrated on morphology and syntax, and Growth and Structure of the English Language (1905) is a comprehensive view of English by someone with another native language, and still in print, over 60 years after his death and nearly 100 years after publication. Late in his life he published Analytic Syntax (1937), in which he presents his views on syntactic structure using an idiosyncratic shorthand notation.

More than once Otto Jespersen was invited to the U.S. as a guest lecturer, and he took occasion to study the country's educational system. His autobiography (see below) was published in English translation as recently as 1995.

Jespersen was a proponent of phonosemanticism and wrote: “Is there really much more logic in the opposite extreme which denies any kind of sound symbolism (apart from the small class of evident echoisms and ‘onomatopoeia’) and sees in our words only a collection of accidental and irrational associations of sound and meaning? ...There is no denying that there are words which we feel instinctively to be adequate to express the ideas they stand for. ”